Since launching in 2014, Stockport Homes Group and SKylight have successfully developed five Your Local Pantry schemes across Stockport, and the initiative has been successfully rolled out across the UK.
Pantries go beyond the food bank model, creating a sustainable and long-term solution to food poverty. Members pay a small weekly fee, typically £4.50, for which they can choose at least ten items of food each week, along with additional opportunities of volunteering and training.
Members have reported improved financial positions, improved health and well-being and reduced isolation. The 2018 Social Impact Report also found that for every £1 invested that Pantries have generated a £6 return in social value.
The Your Local Pantry project, run jointly by SKylight and Church Action on Poverty has been rolled out nationwide, with communities invited to set up their own affiliated Pantries, to emulate the success in Stockport and unlock food poverty in their area.

Your Local Pantry
To find out where your nearest pantry is and for opening times go to the Your Local Pantry website.
Find your nearest Pantry