Walking month

What a great way to enjoy the sunshine than with a walk.  May was walking month and the AIPP team, in collaboration with Life Leisure and the older community, took a walk from Brinnington to Tesco Stockport.

The residents requested a walk-through Reddish Vale to look at the access points, bench sites, and a stop-off at Tesco.

The walk provided an opportunity to take in the picturesque views of the Vale and to check out the lack of access points available for those who have mobility issues.  Photographs were taken and feedback was sent to the local councillor and the Thriving Places Neighbourhood Manager. We did this to enquire whether any consideration has been given for the access to be improved.

To end the day, everyone thought it was a good idea to return on the bus, as this gives those who are a little nervous about using public transport a chance to be supported by others. This helps build confidence that eventually leads to becoming more independent.

Since completing the walk, the group have requested that we continue with the walk every month to allow those to “ walk, talk, shop, and bus!”.