SEA Case Study

SEA (Social, Events, Activities) put together a project called Seniors Connections. The project takes place all over the country. The project is for the older people of Stockport, they help to fight against loneliness and isolation. Once a month the group plans to go out on trips to such as the seaside, markets, Whitby, and Llandudno.

They also hold coffee mornings once a week at Cornerstone Cafe, this is space for the members to get together, discuss where they would like to go next on their trips and exchange information such as fuel cost allowances.  

One lady stated, “It is something to look forward to because I know I come here every Thursday, even if I don’t have anything else to do”.

 The project’s purpose is to ensure that older people in Stockport who may be isolated can go on a day out once a month. It allows an opportunity for them to meet new people in the same circumstances, and hopefully gain some friendships. The community fund has allowed 150 isolated older people to go on trips out.

The project received £1500; this was to cover the cost of the coaches for their trips out. SEA receive lots of letters and thank you cards from their clients. A lady who is part of their group has made some new friends since losing her husband and son. This has given her the confidence to go out on trips and make new friends. 

SEA made a positive change in the older community of Stockport. SEA appreciate the money from the Skylight community fund, they can keep planning trips out and fight loneliness and isolation.